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Present Day, Present time: An anime prophecy

2025 Edit: I've included a new section on how SEL connects with the current American administration and its roots in Silicon valley, so if you're interested in the or if you have watched the Blonde Politics video on the same, scroll to the end !
So I'm more or less done with this analysis and its core themes, and will probably just buff up the other sections later down the line. But now we come down to the core of why I wanted to write this analysis.
3 years ago, I saw SEL for the first time in my life. And it was one of the most profound moments of life. My mouth lay open as I saw this anime written in fucking 1998 talk about so many things that happened to the internet as I grew up. To put it into perspective, in the late 90's to early 2000's (around 25 years ago) the internet was a weird place populated by nerds and tech geeks. Data plans were expensive and you had to boot it up like this:
And now in 2023, the internet is a whole different place. In fact , you could consider it an "information universe", too big to actually fathom. That's the magic of connecting a billion people to each other. Youtube wan't a thing, reddit wasn't a thing, social media didn't happen until 7 years later.
And yet even so, Lain is distubingly accurate with some of the trends it seems to capture, even if ironically the internet superintelligence didn't work out in its favour (LMAO). I'll first explore some past and current trends that Lain is very spot on with, along with a few other things that make Lain STILL ahead of its time.
Superhackers (5 years after SEL)

When you talk about the real world parallels between SEL and our world, the first one that came to mind is the eerie similarity between the Knights and Anonymous+ 4chan.
To the uninitiated, Anonymous was an online super-hacker group that evolved from multiple internet messaging board sites such as 4chan and more. These individuals claimed to fight for the right causes and took down government machinery. They have enacted multiple large scale attacks on government machinery, such as when they took down the indian governments Telecom wing website. You can see a list of their exploits here.
In contrast you have 4chan, notorious for conducting immeasurable pranks to meme the public. One of their most infamous ones was, in a dedicated attempt to bully celebrity Shia Labeouf, they used ancient astronomy and triangulated flight paths to track down his flag so that they could replace it with their own joke flag in under 24 hours.
Why? Apparently its just for the funnies. Of course, SEL does draw its hacker inspiration from previous hacker groups such as the Legion of Doom and the Masters of deception, but I believe the religiosity, globalization and decentralization of the Knights is more in line with 4chan and Anonymous than with the aforementioned.
Influencers (12 years after SEL)

Although not a direct prediction, SEL's comments on god, distance and an increasingly isolated society does point towards the rise of mindless sheep followers who "enact" the will of their masters in the real world. Influencers can be seen as microcelebrities with near-infinite reach, but because influencers can talk directly to their followers, they can incite any sort of action from those who worship them blindly. Influencer's as a phenomenon became a widespread term around the early 2011's with the rise of social media.
One great example is the cult of Andrew Tate. By asking his followers to constantly repost his pyramid scheme "hustler's university", Andrew like Masami Eiri was able to force his beliefs across the world through the actions of his gospel spreading across the internet. This is also the case with online "grifters", people who falsely believe in highly controversial things because such topics would get them a lot of attention money. This also kind of applies to the BTS phenomenon.
The scale of views is unprecedented, and with each increasing amount of views is an ever growing distance between a god and his followers, making them ever more holy and ever more powerful.
Social media only wears the motto of "connection" as its mask. It's true offer is something more sinister: your chance to become a god in the real world.
Cancel culture (19 years after SEL)

Cancel culture entered the collective consciousness of the internet around 2017, but SEL did it 23 years prior in Layer 8 rumours.
As SEL says, "the flow of information does not always go both ways". People are crucified in witchcraft style stake burnings and vindictive justice, based on things they said many many years ago when both they as people and the world in general were different places.
SEL's themes of the Wired becoming a hotbed of religions, in addition to the way information travels at light speed and things getting recorded permanently create a recipe for this phenomenon occurring.
Suicide games (17 years after SEL)

Around 2015, a new game on the internet was causing children to apparently commit ritualistic suicide. In fact, the rumours became so commonplace in the real world that the Bangladesh government announced an internet ban for 6 months following investigations.
The entire incident is extremely similar to the events in SEL, where the Knights and Eiri spread a game on the Wired that makes kids commit suicide.
Hivemind Cults (14 years after SEL)

Although there are probably a million different religions that have propped up on the internet since its inception, the most prominent one which I feel meshes really well with Lain's themes is the online manosphere cult called the Redpill, a subreddit where men discuss dating strategies.
Transcending to the Wired and leaving the material world behind, in Lain was an allegory for gnostic enlightenment, similar to how in the Matrix, Neo can choose to remain in a false illusion created by Machines, or Neo can choose to see the real world by taking the red pill, which is where the "truth" lies.
In the same way, r/theredpill espouses its global truth of SMV, a religious doctrine that will "save you from your life of suffering" if you enact and religiously follow their explanation of how things are.
This in turn ties into SEL's themes of religion, dogma and children. Religion and their adults who espouse them target children fisrt because it is children who are most easily indoctrinated into religion when young. More than anything, the appropriation of meme culture by certain political entities seeks to radicalize a younger generation in its own interests more than anything. Like a million provisionary Knight's members. I know this better than anyone else, as an ex-redpiller indoctrinated at the age of 17.
Websites like reddit do not help this with their tendencies to become religious hiveminds, as people in these subreddits only upvote the comments and answers that align with their beliefs and not those that go against it.
Algorithm reality (18 years after SEL)
Society is increasingly being manipulated by machine-learning algorithms that flood their content feeds. People are slowly being tuned into a personal sense of reality when ML algorithms show them content based on their previous preferences. Kind of like how Eiri planned to rule the Wired by flooding it with information as he says in Layer 10.
Chatgpt (22 years after SEL)

Somewhat of a stretch, but Chatgpt could be considered an AI embodying the collective knowledge of the net. As a collective consciousness of the net, many people already fear the large scale implications of such a powerful tool. Even more powerful and scarier is the upcoming GPT-4, which is destined to be even more powerful. Read the paper outlining it here.
Have we finally met the true God of the Wired?
Tech CEO's with a god complex (always)

What I find most interesting about SEL is the way it uses Eiri, the head of a high profile tech company who wants to play god, as a very sharp observation on the nature of American Tech CEO's. From Mark zuckerberg's power fantasy to control a metaverse (which also tries to imitate Roblox and appeal to children) stemming directly from delusions of relating to the roman emperor Augustus, to OpenAI CEO Sam Altman trying to change the fabric of society by eliminating all jobs.
SEL does a very good job at analyzing the psychological motivations of Tech CEO leaders, who try to stand in as the guiding light of humanity, all the while inadvertently harming society through their actions because they cannot think outside of their own power fantasy.
Dopamine hijacking (15 years after SEL)

The Netflix documentary The social Dilemma talks about how the product designers at Facebook have designed it in a way that is extremely addictive by complete accident. However, do not be fooled, companies have intentionally engineered these systems and services to be addictive as heck.
The book Hooked: How to build habit forming products literally uses something called "hook cycles' where designers of these apps take advantage of human psychology and biology and abuse the dopamine reward mechanism inherent to brains, much like how Eiri and the Knights hijack the teenager who took Accela (a literal machine drug) in Layer 2 by altering his brain chemistry.
These people literally cross reference anthropology, psychology and human biology all with the intent of making sure you don't take your eyes off your screen.
Surveillance Capitalism (20 years after SEL)

Shoshana Zuboff makes a case for surveillace capitalism in her book of the same name, whereby companies such as Google and Meta (formerly facebook) exploited the data of their users in manner unprecedented by the legal framework. From the book:
"Surveillance capitalism unilaterally claims human experience as free raw material for translation into behavioural data which are declared as a proprietary behavioural surplus, fed into advanced manufacturing processes known as 'machine intelligence', and fabricated into prediction products that anticipate what you will do now, soon, and later."
Google and Facebook's ideas are very similar to Eiri planning to become omniscient by absorbing all the information in people's to become far more powerful than he ever could be. Layer 7 also does have someone in the Wired talk about how the control of information is why companies in SEL are so competitive and sabotage each other in the firsrt place.
Dead internet Theory (25 years after SEL)

In January 2021 on the forums of Agora Road, a user made a startling claim: The internet actually died in 2016 and that everything you see now is content perpetuated by bots and reposts. At one point this was taking to be fringe nutcase conspiracy, but it soon proved to be a horrifying prophecy with the rise of people posting chatgpt generated content everywhere.
Some people say that by 2025, 99% of the content on the internet will be fake. "I think it’s entirely obvious what I’m subtly suggesting here given this setup," IlluminatiPirate wrote on the thread. "The U.S. government is engaging in an artificial intelligence powered gaslighting of the entire world population."
In SEL, we can verify things that happen in the real world through our body to a reasonable degree. However on the internet, everything is through word of mouth, which means you can trust this less and less. In the end , the internet becomes a spirit world full of ghosts, spirits, bots and rumours. (Yes, I know that this one is a leap, don't @ me)
Internet jobs and remote work (25 years)

The idea of individuals making money via internet freelancing seems like a very normal concept to us today, but in 1998, barely anybody had a personal computer, and high network bandwidth was very expensive. Fast forward to today, and both these aspects are very normal in today's society, with some people working in fully remote roles and some countries even offering "digital nomad" visas.
The spatial web (25+ years after SEL)

The spatial web is the upcoming evolution of web 2.0 to web 3.0. With this evolution, faster internet connections, cheaper smaller and more powerful chips and transistors that have halved in size would allow the merging of the entire web into one big connected network. With technologies like augmented and virtual reality, Brain-computer interfaces, artificial intelligence, the Internet-of-things and 5g/6g, we will see the entire planet connected in one big network where both the physical and digital worlds collide. This is called the spatial web and its arrival will happen around the late 2020's and early 2030's, considering how these technologies are much more well dispersed in the enterprise sector.
However in SEL, the Wired itself was more Spatial Web than the world wide web, considering how we see these technologies feature very prominently in the show. Everything on Earth, in the show, was "wired together"
The Dark Enlightenment (30 years+)

The Heisei Period was a consequence of one notable aspect of Japan's financial history: The betrayal of a nation by its leaders and the betrayal of its leaders by supposed friends. The American government, post ww2, engaged in a systematic reconstruction in Japan, with CIA and Yakuza creating the Liberal Democratic Party (The longest reigning political party in Japan to this day), dissolving the industrial-capital Zaibatsu's (large family owned factory monopolies) to give rise to conglomerate finance capital Keiretsus (networked multi-spanning mega-coporations with associated banks) like Toshiba as well as the broader injection of American ideals into the Japanese heartland. But this healthy competition was soon to be short-lived, once it was found out that Toshiba, the number one tech company in late 80's Japan, was soon poised to be number 1 in semiconductor manufacturing.
The envious American government used its intelligence services to get dirt on Toshiba (the fact that it was trading specialized machines with the USSR violating trade agreements with America for a quick buck at the height of the Cold War) and then used that fact to castrate the Japanese Tech sector with 100% tariffs, the Plaza Accord Yen devaluation and the US-Japanese semiconductor agreement which was essentially blackmail at gunpoint to conduct a specialized technology transfer to the United States.
Doing so forced the Banks associated with the Toshiba Keiretsu to push for further economic liberalization at the encouragement of the LDP, hence driving the real estate inflation bubble that created the Lost Decades and basically killed Japan's hopes and dreams of a cosmic collective future. This led to the spread of similar narratives across many anime and manga of the period, especially that of shadow puppeteers in the dark manipulating everything from behind the scenes, these puppeteers having strong ties to political agents of Christian background.
In very ironic fashion, circumstances have come to repeat themselves again, much according to the events of Lain as a show. Let me explain how Lain is a foreshadowing of the current American political scenario. Most of this lifts from youtuber Blonde Politics video on the same.
Peter Thiel is a libertarian conservative Billionaire in Silicon valley who is most famously known for cofounding Paypal with Elon Musk and starting Palantir Technologies which is the most well known industry name in the American intelligence community and whose name comes from an all-seeing Elven crystal ball in the fantasy novel Lord of the Rings. His early neoconservative paper The Stanford Review was funded by Irving Kristol, the "godfather of neoconservatism" . At Stanford he met Rene Girard and was highly influenced by the devout catholic and respected anthropoligst's Mimetic theory of Desire, a prime reason behind him becoming the first investor in Facebook and thus being directly responsible for its subsequent success. Thiel is a major player behind the shadows of Modern America in ways we shall soon come to see.
The next character in our story is computer engineer and blogger "Mencius Moldbug" AKA Curtis Yarvin, another neoconservative, who is most famous for pushing a theory called the "Dark enlightenment". Influenced by books on democracy's failure and the impact of the Obama bailout during the 2008 financial crisis, he pioneered the original term "Redpill" as well as his most prominent idea, the Dark Enlightenment, further given fleshing out by former CCRU member and "father of Accelerationism" Nick Land.
The idea behind the Dark Enlightenment is basically a neoconservative reaction to democracy in favour of hyper-efficient "CEO style" monarchic feudalism, where the entire country is governed like a company with a board of directors. Yarvin had a huge influence on Thiel and was the reason why in 2009 Thiel exclaimed that Libertarianism was no longer compatible with democracy.
Now comes the twist. Peter Thiel's protege was none other that the 2025 administration's Vice president, J.D Vance, whose political rise he has directly funded and upon whom Yarvin AKA Moldbug has also held similar influence. Trump too had multiple meeting with Thiel in his previous 2016 administration, basically implying that Thiel is behind the scenes in making America a second Palantir.
Thus, the current 2025 American administration is a repetition of the events in Japan in 1990: A Technocracy backed deeply corrupted State is promising a grand narrative of Utopian New World Order to its people via powerful propaganda, all the while the board members in the shadows prepare to gut the country alive via a cultist religio-economic mass sacrifice.
It's unfortunate that only now do I understand what the answer to the intro's mocking laugh in Serial experiments Lain is: In the End, Karmic destiny has lended Chiaki J Konaka and the Lain production crew the last laugh, as we enter the repetition of history once again, becoming "Present Day, Present Time".
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