A lot of people don''t know that Serial experiments Lain is an Open source anime, (until 2028) meaning anyone and everyone as long as they're a fan can make stuff based on the IP.
Here's some bonus cool stuff I'm collecting from across the web, most of them are links to other places:
Via makes music in the programming environment PureData. Check out their SEL inspired work
Check out the 25th anniversary website! Use Wayback if you want to see it after it expires
Omnipresence is an old but still baller website! enable popups if you're using firefox
Someone made a concept album based on the Schuman resonance...
The 20th anniversary blog where Konaka looks back on the show (It's in japanese)
The SEL DVD ROM simulation has 4 gb worth of exclusive fan content
Club Cyberia XIV is a Final Fantasy and SEL inspired virtual nighclub
Try looking up for SEL skins on the Winamp web simulator, webamp! Play your favourite songs with an SEL themed player.
This is a github project that creates a bot meant to replicate Lain on discord
A Lain Iwakura LoRa that you can use to create Lain AI art in Stable diffusion
https://steamdeckrepo.com/post/n2Gax/copland_os_enterprise_intro_serial_experiments_lain (SEL steamdeck screen)
List of great SEL video essays:
How SEL created "cracky chan", the internet's first influencer
An essay on how SEL is part of the Japanese Post war identity crisis
CCC video on AI, UFO's, Magic, CIA psyops and the internet's hallucinations
Lain and the evolution of modern identity(from a queer perspective)
God is a Girl Online: Tiqqun, Baudrillard and Feminine performance in the internet age
Written SEL essays:
Film/TV recommendations
The following shows and films are ones I think deal with topics in SEL or are pretty similar to SEL :
VideoDrome by David Cronenberg
Dennou Coil
Kairo by Kiyoshi Kurosawa
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Network (1976)
Black Mirror (mostly seasons 1 and 2)
Synecdoche by Charlie Kaufman
Suicide club by Shion Sono
Tetsuo the iron man
Paprika by Satoshi Kon
Ghost in the shell (movie and Standalone Complex)
Hypernormalisation by Adam Curtis
Book recommendations
The following books helped me really understand the nature of SEL and I recommend them to you as well if you're interested in these topics:
Darwin amongst the Machines by George Dyson
The four archtypes by Carl Jung
The Meme Machine, Susan Blackmore
Our Posthuman future by Francis Fukuyama
The end of history and the last man by Francis Fukuyama
Simulacra and Simulation by Jean Baudrillard (Alternatively, you can read Ecstasy of communication instead since it deals with the angle of media much better than SS. America is also a great book that makes his critique much clearer)
Cyberia by Douglas Rushkoff ( I highly recommed this one)
TechGnosis by Erik Davis (Best recommendation for beginners)
God, Human , Animal Machine by Meghan O'giebhlyn
The Meme Machine by Susan Blackmore
Emergence by Steven Johnson
Philosophy and simulation by Manuel Delanda (Highly advanced but if you study Computer Science you may enjoy this )
Mind and nature, Gregory Bateson (Highly advanced but recommended if you study biology/evolution)
Underground by Haruki Murakami (Insight into Japanese society as it is through Aum Shinrikyo)
Metaman by Gregory Stock (Makes you kinda get how the Wired unkowingly became a living organism)
What kind of people should there be? by Jonathan Glover.
New Dark Ages by James Bridle
Debt: The first 5000 years by Dave Graeber
Fanged Noumena by Nick Land
The Cybernetic Hypothesis by Tiqqun
Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher
Flatline constructs by Mark Fisher
Zeroes and Ones by Sadie Plant
A Hacker Manifesto by Mckenzie Wark
A Thousand Machines by Gerard runing
Mutant Neoliberalism by Wendy Brown
Governing by Debt and The Indebted Man by Maurizio Lazarrato
The Birth of Biopolitics, Madness and Civilization, Discipline and Punish, the history of sexuality by Michel Foucault
"Postscript on the societies of Control" by Gilles Deleuze
Surveillance capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff
Colossus: The rise and decline of US Imperialism by John Peterson
Media: The Extensions of Man by Marshall Mcluhan
The Singularity is near by Ray KurzWeil
Redesigning humans by Gregory Stock
God and Golem by Norbert Wiener
Engines of Creation By Eric Drexler
Snowcrash by Neal Stephenson
The Silmarillion by J.R.R Tolkien
BioMedia by Thacker
The invisible doctrine: How neoliberalism controls your life by George Monbiot and Peter Hutchinson
Note to curious animals:
If it's out there, accessible and in the open, it's not a real threat to the men behind the throne, and is actually bait to send you on a wild goosechase. Truth always takes work to attain.